I try to be a good visiting teacher, but somehow the month slips by and suddenly there is the Last Sunday of the month, jumping out from behind the Last Saturday to surprise me. I know I'm not the only one. You all know who you are. All too often the Last Sunday of the month is the death-bed repentance of home and visiting teaching, but if we work together we can all get done what we need to do.
At 1:30 my visiting teaching companion and I went out to drop off cookies for the 2 sisters we hadn't seen yet. One wasn't home, but the other was and she invited us in. We enjoy seeing her, and we talked for a while, until I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost 2:00. We excused ourselves so I could get home in time for the appointment with our Home Teacher at 2:00 (Richard had begged me not to be late), and when I got home I found not my Home Teacher, but my visiting teachers. They had planned to come at 2:30, but one of their appointments had fallen through, so they had come early. A few minutes after 2:00 our home teacher showed up. So we all visited together. It was really pretty nice. I'm always interested in just getting all the necessary people together so that we can all finish our home and visiting teaching all in one fell swoop.
As our Home teacher said, when you do your visits on the Last Sunday of the month, you have to bring treats, and they all did. Course we couldn't eat them because we were fasting, but they looked really tastey. By 2:30 everyone was gone. So Richard and I got started making cookies to take to Richard's home teachees. We considered re-gifting the treats we had just recieved, but couldn't quite bring ourselves to do it.
We made some cakemix oreos. They smelled really good and looked really good, but we couldn't be sure, cuz we were still fasting. We had never made them before, and it was a little scary dropping off treats we had never even tasted, but we did it anyway. Whew! It is exciting to live on the edge!
Harrison woke up from his nap and we went out on the delivery. House 1 - not home. Cookies left with an unidentified relative. House 2 - also happens to be the house of MY visiting teacher. She brought me chocolate eggs, we brought her oreos. (Which makes me wonder how that little exchange of treats relates to the law of consecration?) House 3 - Richard came walking back down the steps after dropping off the cookies, and he was laughing. When he climbed in the car and I asked him what was so funny he said "Oh, I interrupted her in the middle of the lesson with her visiting teachers." I know I have some changing to do, but it sure is nice to know that everyone else needs to change just as much as me!