I think cooking gets about 5% funner in the fall. Having it cold outside makes the warm of the kitchen inviting, and the foods are so delicious and comforting! I made sugar cookies last night and I was so excited I could hardly contain myself. The same thing happened while I was making white chili for dinner. It is simmering right now, and smells delicious! Oh, fall! I love you so!
I had a very happy childhood. I loved the holidays and have been trying to recapture the magic of those holidays as an adult and just haven't been able to. Until this year. Harrison has made everything magical, and it helps that he finally has some idea of what is going on. And it is just going to get more exciting each year! Every year of my married life I would get excited as fall hit and every year the holidays would disappoint me just a little. What I didn't realize is that, for all these years, what I have been waiting for is to celebrate the holidays as a parent. THIS is magical. THIS is what I have been waiting for. What could be better than this?
Christmas is Coming
Dec 15, 2009
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