Once the gas dispersed, I decided to make some cookies. Harrison really wanted me to make sugar cookies cuz he likes to use the cookie cutters. But it was more work than I wanted to do. I was thinking more along the lines of No-Bake Cookies. And then I had what can only be called a stroke of genius. Maybe just a stroke. But probably the genius thing too.
We made the No Bake Cookies from a recipe found on Allrecipes, like so:
No-Bake Cookies
only instead of just dumping little piles of dough onto the cookie sheets, we laid out cookie cutters and filled those with the hot chocolate mixture. Brilliant! Harrison thought that was fun and I thought I was clever. In about 5 minutes they were solid enough to pull the cookie cutters off - they slid off like butter - and there we had it, fun little amorphous cookie shapes. Hooray!
Hmm. Only now that I am looking at the picture, they remind me an awful lot of Litter Critters. But these are edible, so it is totally different.