Anyhoo, I figured it was time for you to know more about me and my life. Maybe I'll even tell you my whole life story, one little bit at a time. Who wouldn't benefit from that?
In case you are new here, we are remodeling our house. Not so much because that is the popular thing to do right now, but because our house is an ugly, falling apart hole. We bought it as a fixer-upper, so this was actually the plan, but we really didn't know what we were getting ourselves into. And slowly, bit by bit, we have been fixing up our 100 year old house. So slowly in fact that I am going to want to redecorate the bathroom again as soon as we are done because I no longer like the colors I chose 7 years ago when we redid it the first time. We have lived here 7 1/2 years and we just finally finished one of the rooms. FINISHED the Boys' bedroom. Every single thing is done in there. Well, except carpet, but we have to wait until the whole house is done to put that in (right now it just has a carpet remnant in it). Wanna See?
Ta Da!! Richard always said he was going to make a bed, and then one day, he did. Out of the blue he just started cutting wood. And Harrison loves it. For about a month afterward he would say "Thank you for my bed" whenever he was in it.
which is exactly how a boys' room should look. And looky there - I moved the toy bin out of the office where it was driving me crazy and stuck it in here under the bed. I like it. It gives the space purpose = playing and mess making.
And because I have to assume that you care (because if all of my readers are a bunch of people that don't care, then what are you DOING here?) I will tell you more!
I will tell you that I love my doors. They were special order from Home Depot. They are so pretty. My walls are a very pale gray and I love how it looks next to the bright white of the doors and trim.
On the dresser is a very cute robot I made out of felt. I found the pattern on Etsy, in a shop called Gulf Coast Cottage. Ack! I love him! He is so cute! I seem to always make that sound whenever I look at him!
He is sitting in front of this Robot Timeline, which you can see bigger if you click on the picture.
I printed off little pictures of all the most important robots from TV and movies and then just traced them. (Luckily there are all sorts of nerdy articles written about which robots are the most influential, or I would have had to come up with my own list.). And I know, Daleks are sorta more like cyborgs, and transformers are aliens, but I don't really care. We'll let the nerd forums hash it out.
And now I think I am done. I'm tired of sitting here. I've been writing this for like 7 hours. I don't want to write anymore. Oh wait! I forgot about the Before Pictures! We can't have that. Hang on....................................
Yes, I know, you can't see much. But that is pretty much how it looked. That pinkish dingy wallpaper all the way around. The door was in a different place
And we made the room a couple feet shorter so we would have room for the closet and a laundry room out in the hall. And look what we found when we pulled off the trim around the windows:
Sorry. I probably should have warned you. Gah. It gives me the heebie jeebies. Golly, aren't you glad you stayed???