Still, I'm always a little bummed when I get a card with no letter, and now I am kinda wishing I had included one. SO, since dinner is in the oven and all and the kids are wrestling in the other room, here is the letter I would write if I were to write a letter right here right now.
My kids are getting bigger. In the usual fashion. Colin started saying "Please" yesterday. He rubs his little belly and says "Bee! Bee!" And I find it impossible to say no to him. Harrison has started telling poop jokes. And mostly just throwing the word "Poop" and "Pee" into sentences at random. I think we have the public school system to thank for that.
My mostly crazy and somewhat amazing husband is building a motorhome in our backyard. From the ground up, basically. Because he just had loads and loads of free time and was dying for a little project to fill it.
As for me? Last night I ate the perfect cupcake. Thanks to Lindsay of Vanilla House Bakery, who just moved into my ward and got put in charge of the food for the ward Christmas party. It was a chocolate cupcake with peppermint ganache in the center and the most amazing buttercream on top. I really kind of wanted to cry, it was so delicious. I really, REALLY wanted to hug her, but I was holding a baby, so I had to settle for an awkward shoulder pat. And now, unfortunately, that cupcake is the standard by which all other cupcakes will be measured, and I'm sorry, Other Cupcakes of the World, but I just don't think you are going to measure up.
At this magical time of year, I am most thankful for: shatterproof Christmas tree ornaments, the fact that there is no snow on the ground outside, that my heater works, and that my neighbors have just this minute decided it is probably OK to start testing out the base in their new car-stereo sound system. And my kids, cuz they are pretty great.
My Goals for the coming year:
- Get some more kids. As much as I feel bad for my poor children for being stuck with me for a mom, I still want more. But we really only have 2 rooms. If we're gonna get any girls, we really need another room. And I don't think the motorhome counts. So my goal next year is to find someone to build us another room or 2. I've thought about Extreme Makeover Home Edition, but they'd just want to tear the house down and start over, and I don't THINK I want that. Do I?
- Punch someone in the face. Ok, not really. But it is on my bucket list. I don't have anyone in mind, but sometime before I die I'd like to punch at least one person in the face, good and hard. Now I just need to find someone who really deserves it.
- Survive, keep my children alive, and stay out of jail.
That probably about wraps it up! Thank you so much for stopping by and we'll see you again next year!