There. The link. From Food Storage made easy. And I wanted to take them all the way to Food Storagedom, so I made them using powdered eggs and powdered milk. And then I turned them into waffles.
And I'll be honest. They weren't great. Not bad, but not delicious. But I wasn't about to let waggles get the better of me. I mean waffles. Waffles are not the boss of me!
So I plopped some whipped cream on tom, I mean top (tom was nowhere to be seen.) and covered it with THIS syrup, which is basically candy. And THEN it was delicious.
I could have been eating a tire and I wouldn't have known it. Which is why I nominate Breakfast as The Sweetest Meal of the Day! Sure, you can spruce up a failed pot of mac and cheese with whipped cream and candy, but society will look down on you. Only at breakfast is it acceptable to eat doughnuts, bowls of sugar with milk on top, chocolate chip muffins, things covered in syrup, or pop tarts FOR YOUR MEAL. Sometimes I just eat cookies or cake for breakfast, because What Is The Difference? Eating a salad would seem wrong somehow, but a can of store bought frosting? Eh, close enough. So thank you Breakfast! Not only did you bring us bacon, but you brought us Sugar in the Morning! And for that we are eternally grateful!