I didn't update you on our progress the last couple of days, and you are just going to have to live with that. I can sum it up for you real quick: we cleaned up. And with the help of the manlift and a chain with just lifted the bathroom floor straight up and dropped it into the dumpster. Easy peasy.
We went from this

to this

to this

Can you tell the difference? I need to get some more pictures from some more angles cuz you can't see much. But can you see how much cleaner it is? Richard and I made very slow progress on our own, but a bunch more people came and helped us this morning and we finished it all in a couple of hours. I was jumping up and down I was so excited.
Richard was so excited he started giving people rides in the manlift

Thanks again helpers! I would still be picking up wood if it wasn't for you. So now our part of the job is over and we turn things over to The Builder and his team of subcontractors who will finish this thing in no time. And now I can just sit around the house eating bon bons and not washing my dishes because I'm lazy, instead of not washing my dishes because I am exhausted and have no time. Hooray!