That thing made short work of our giant pile of debris. He took care of the whole thing in the time it took me to make a trip to the ReStore and then pick up some lunch.

Then he used the excavator to tear out some of the old kitchen floor

And then the front porch. He just reached up and grabbed it with the claw and popped it off just like it was nothing.

But when he started using it to tear out the bricks of what was our bathroom, it terrified me so much I ran into the house and hid under a blanket. Cuz that's what kind of person I am. Now we know.

I should point out that today and several other days like it would not have been possible if it weren't for Faralee who watched Colin all day long. She and other family members and friends have made it possible for us to work so much longer and harder than we could with our kids there. All our kids want to do is climb onto the roof and throw rocks and do everything in their power to get run over with machinery and my CHILD DANGER alarm gets about overloaded. So thank you once again. I would also like to thank the academy.